Using B2B Reviews To Prioritize Product Improvements and Bugs

One of the great joys of demoing Competitor Genius is showing colleagues that I highly respect new insights into their business with just a couple minutes of setup.  I recently was walking a very experienced Chief Product Officer through the Strengths and Weaknesses module in the My Reviews section.  

Believe it or not, many product managers don’t use review sites.


Understand Your Weaknesses With B2B Review Monitoring

Like many product leaders, she immediately gravitated to the Weaknesses summary, which analyzed thousands of reviews across 8 different B2B review sites (G2, Capterra, TrustRadius, Gartner, etc.) to extract out key themes when customers were complaining (negative sentiment analysis).   

The #1 weakness was customer service where it explained that customers had trouble reaching support and getting answers.  While this was not entirely a surprise to her, the sheer number of reviews led her to follow up and discover some issues with inbound support call routing and improve inbound call response rates. 

But what really shocked her was the 3rd weakness was a product feature where customers were claiming issues with device connectivity causing crashing of their IoT device.  There had been some disparate reports on connectivity.  4G.  Wifi.  Switching between them.  And often the network issues would cause inadvertent crashing and reboots.   

“Are there really 27 reviews that complain about this?”   She clicked on the “27 reviews button” and up popped a modal for her to read each one.   By the first 5, the blood had drained from her face.  She had no idea how prevalent the issue was.  And since they had over 1,000 reviews, it was hard to tie the dots together.  

What was most impressive, was Competitive Genius’ ability to connect together different keywords and language used in the reviews, such as “network,” “connectivity,” “4G,” “wireless,” “data,” “router,” to provide a single view of the issue and organize these into positive and negative sentiments to provide a clear picture with the ability to drill down to each relevant review.


B2B Review Monitoring Done Right From Insight to Action To Results In Just 60 Days

Fast forward 60 days, the issue was prioritized and addressed by product and engineering, and reviews complaining about networking have fallen 89% - all as reported by Competitor Genius.  Networking as a feature went from a -13% Net Sentiment Score to +23%.  Recent company NPS scores are up considerably.   All because Competitor Genius made it easy to synthesize and organize the insights from B2B review sites..

Sifting through reviews and organizing them is inefficient and labor intensive.  It’s hard to track issues over time and positive and negative sentiment.   Why spend all that time when Competitor Genius does it all for just $89 per month?    

Needless to say, we have a customer for life.


The Definitive Guide to B2B Competitive Monitoring