5x Better Competitive Intelligence in 10x Less Time

Competitor Genius uses AI to listen to 1,000s of reviews and websites to automatically provide real strengths and weaknesses, market velocity, and leaderboard rankings on buying criteria - with just 5 minutes of setup!

Reserve your FREE spot to our highly anticipated beta launch.

If you're like most Product Marketing Managers you're probably struggling with:

Does this sound like you?

✔ You want to streamline competitive intelligence from hours to minutes with software

✔ You're eager to track market intel better than competitors but haven't found the right software and tools to outpace them

✔ You want to analyze customer feedback to inform your product marketing strategy, but it's too complex to do manually

✔ You're looking for a way to effortlessly copy and paste market insights and share them with execs and the team

✔ You want to be a better Product and Marketing professional and use the best tools to help your team

✔ Relegating competitive intelligence to the backburner, knowing you miss opportunities for strategic growth

✔ Wanting actionable competitive insights with the ability to drill down where you feel is important

✔ Storing competitive intelligence in a Google or Excel Sheet, untouched and gradually becoming irrelevant

✔ Being overwhelmed by data on too many web, social, and review sources to monitor, organize and analyze manually

Spend less time digging and more time shining with AI-powered insights

Top Vendor Leaderboard: Worried about where you stand? See how you rank based real customer feedback on the buying criteria you set up.

Product Opportunities and Risks: Missing growth opportunities and risking churn? Unveil why customers cancel, issues that hurt you most, and what happy customers want so you can prioritize what matters.

Review Trend Monitoring: Do you know if your customer sentiment is improving? See how review solicitation programs are working & which vendors are acquiring customers fastest.

Customer Feedback Insight: Clueless about what customers are saying? Competitor Genius pulls top reviews for you and organizes them by topic.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Unclear on customer perceptions? Compare your strength and weaknesses to competitors and feed your battlecards based on actual customer feedback.

Sentiment Insights: Struggling with customer sentiment on price and service? Get Net Sentiment Scores (like an NPS) on all your buying criteria.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Competitor Genius cost?

Competitor Genius starts at just $89 per month and offers a free 2-week trial. Cancel at any time, but the insights are so good, you won’t want to live without them.

How does Competitor Genius ensure the data is actionable?

Competitor Genius uses advanced AI and natural language processing algorithms to aggregate and analyze data, providing clear and actionable insights by leveraging competitive intelligence and comparison best practice views into the analysis For example, you can look at negative sentiment from happy customers to see what features you need to improve or use those same insights to wedge even happy customers away from your competitors.

What kind of support is available for Competitor Genius users?

Unlike most companies, we actually want to talk with you. Beta users receive priority support, personalized onboarding sessions, and direct feedback channels to the founders.

Built by Product Marketers for Product Marketers

Competitor Genius is Designed to Make You Shine

Finally, a proven way to gain real-time customer intelligence and competitive insights in only minutes.